Basket Strainers / Filters
Basket strainers are single bodied filters usually employed where process is not continuous or can be interrupted for maintenance. General applications include protection of pumps, valves, traps, spray nozzles, etc. amongst others.
For highly viscous fluids requiring filtration at high temperatures, they can be jacketed for steam heating purposes.
Basket strainers, usually simplex type, can be designed in vertical or horizontal orientation. Filter media normally employed is wire mesh type for strainers having inline or offset connections. Basket elements are generally made from stainless steel or as per material of customers’ choice.
Product Specifications
Basket strainers, also known as Simplex strainer / Simplex filter, are connected to pipeline, where the contaminated fluid passes through the internal element, and clean fluid is directed towards the outlet.
The flow can be interrupted at a pre-set value of pressuredrop for cleaning by way of removing the element, maintenance or replacement of the basket element.
Pipeline Size : 25 mm NB to 1000 mm NB
Construction : Generally Fabricated
Degree of Filtration : 25 microns and above
Design configuration is subject to technical specifications and process parameters. For specific applications requiring higher sizes and/or finer filtrations, strainers can be tailor made to suit your requirement.
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